

Atka provides corporate advisory services to established crypto protocols, non-crypto SMEs or large corporates.

Over the past few years we have helped 15+ different entities to achieve their goals in their experimentation with blockchain and cryptocurrencies. We provide a wide range of advisory services, from a strategic, operational or technical standpoint, leveraging a network of expert partners in technical development, security, legal, compliance, and PR.


Crypto is still in it's infancy, but witnessing an incredible growth, which makes it a very exciting research field
woman holding a pen

We have a dedicated research team working on defining fair theoretical valuations for cryptocurrencies and utility tokens.

On top of this, we monitor the release of new token value capture mechanisms in the cryptocurrency markets.

Based on our findings, we can suggest optimal tokenomics model for the projects we are incubating.

Have a look to our latest research articles here.


Our mission consists in facilitating crypto adoption, for corporates, future engineers and business decision-makers, but also for a more mainstream audience.

Atka provides customizable and modular trainings: general for beginners, specific and practical for experts willing to strengthen their skills and experiment with blockchain technology.

We have already performed several lectures and provided corporate training materials such as:

  • Workshops and seminars for Business & Engineering schools students
  • 3 x 4-hour corporate training sessions on cryptocurrencies for assets managers, investment bankers, tech startups investigating blockchain & cryptos

We also strive to provide online content for a wider audience:

Ready to dive in?
Get in touch with us now!

We help pioneering teams bootstrapping crypto networks and protocols.